Earn rewards in $USDT directly to your wallet simply by holding our $USIRS token.
The USDT INFINITY REWARDS project was created by a team of 4 friends, all passionate about cryptocurrencies for many years, especially in the areas of blockchain and tokens. Taking advantage of the moment when several tokens with rewards for holders are being launched on the $BNB network, we developed an automated system where all our holders WHO ARE IN THE HOLD receive USDT directly to their wallets every 30 minutes, without the need for anything to be done manually. Additionally, we also created a community on Telegram so that everyone can chat, interact, and discuss the best steps to take for the project to have healthy growth, along with a good transaction volume so that all HOLDERS can benefit from this passive income. To participate, just buy a reasonable amount of the $USIRS token to be among the all holders, and thus receive your reflections automatically. Keep in mind that it’s not necessary to be part of the chat groups, but it is interesting to participate for engagement and discussions about the project.